• 6 июня 2017, вторник
  • Москва, Новинский бульвар, д.21, Американский центр в Москве

Structuring your early investment round

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2529 дней назад
6 июня 2017, начало в 19:00
Новинский бульвар, д.21, Американский центр в Москве

Legal aspects of raising capital in the US

What are the different avenues for startup companies to raise investment capital in the United States? Equity vs. convertible debt  as the main vehicles for raising capital? We will address legal aspects of raising capital as well as discuss the differences between structuring a Seed Round, an A Round and etc. We will have a legal discussion regarding how each works, along with a practical discussion about what are the common practices within the venture space. 


Guest speaker: Radney Wood

Radney is a named partner at Vela Wood where he divides his practice between commercial litigation, and general corporate matters, concentrating on partnership disputes, corporate governance, venture financing, and contract negotiations. Radney represents dozens of companies ranging from early-stage startups to mid-size businesses, acting as general counsel and providing them with guidance on myriad business transactions, which range from legal matters to general operational issues.


The lecture will be held in English


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